Comic: Humorless Feminists
I’d been thinking — a dangerous pastime, I know. In this case, those thoughts led to the first new comic I’ve done since January of last year.
Online Harassment and “Oversensitivity” (Trigger Warning for Threats)
This comic was inspired by a number of conversations I’ve had online.
Look, it’s not that men don’t get harassed or threatened. But for guys to go around stating that they’ve had people talk crap about them online too, and using that as the basis to declare that women are too thin-skinned and are overreacting to harassment and threats, is just overflowing with wrongness. Not to mention an utter lack of sympathy, and a profound ignorance of the very real epidemic of violence against women.
Trigger warning: the comic’s final panel includes graphic threats of rape and violence.
A Comic for Online Drama
I wanted to put some of my thoughts about the Internet these past few weeks into stick figure comic form.
Have a great weekend, all!
Hugo Announcement
Also, I saw Saturn last night with the telescope, which makes the weekend even better.