Cool Stuff Friday
Friday wants to party like it’s 1999.
- Snoopy in his Sopwith Camel – in LEGO. Snoopy and LEGO. I’m physically incapable of not sharing this.
- Cats and the Art of Camouflage.
- Photos from the Hubble Space Telescope.
- 21 Epic Cosplays.
Friday wants to party like it’s 1999.
In another 3.5 weeks, I’ll no longer have a full-time day job. It’s taken a long time to reach this point, and one of the biggest concerns I had was financial. I’m giving up a stable, good-paying job with a regular paycheck. While the writing has paid pretty well for the past few years, the income is neither stable nor regular. One month might see a five-figure royalties check, while the income for the next few months is down in the three-digit range. And there’s no guarantee my books will continue to sell.
So I wanted to make sure we were in good enough financial shape for me to make this leap. Here are the things my wife and I were looking at, starting with the REALLY BIG EXCITING NEWS:
This is HUGE. We’ve spent years working toward this point. Eliminating the monthly mortgage balances out a good chunk of the lost income from my day job. Not to mention we’ll no longer be accumulating interest that has to be paid off.
A little while back when I was explaining what a mortgage was to my son, I told him we’d paid off a lot of the house, so we owned most of it, but we didn’t own his room yet. So the bank could still come and take his room away. (He’s ten, and I’m one of those dads.) I’m so thrilled that last night I got to come home and tell him we own his room.
My hope is that once I’m writing more, the writing income will increase as well. Sounds logical, right? Well, that shows what you know. PUBLISHING CARES NOTHING FOR YOUR PUNY “LOGIC!” What this means is I’ll need to keep an eye on things and see how it goes over the next year or two. I’m thinking specifically about things like being able to put more money aside for college for the kids, as well as retirement funds for me and Amy.
I may look into other freelance work to help supplement the fiction. I’ll also be able to expand the range of what I’m writing. Who knows … maybe when I finally write Jig the Goblin in 50 SHADES OF BLUE, that will be the big money-maker that puts both kids through college.
There’s a lot to think about, and a fair amount of anxiety. There’s also a lot of excitement, not to mention the celebration of the mortgage-slaying. Huge thanks to my agent, my publisher, and all of my readers for helping me reach a position where this was a realistic financial option for me and my family.
Yesterday morning, Klud the Goblin sent out a newsletter to talk about Fable: Blood of Heroes being out. Here’s the first part of that newsletter:
Klud: You said I’d only have to send these things out once every three months. It’s only been two months since the last newsletter. Go away and let me sleep.
Jim: I said about every three months, and I have a new book out today.
Klud: Not my problem, human.
Jim: Oh, I know all about your problem.
Klud: What are you talking about?
Jim: I heard you on the phone the other day.
Klud: I’ll do the stupid newsletter.
Jim: Did you ever get through to someone at ABC Studios? Did they tell you where to send your gifts? I don’t know much about goblin courting rituals, but—
Klud: I’m typing now!
Jim: You know she’s in a committed relationship with Kermit, right?
Klud: I’m trying to write a newsletter. Shut up and go away!!!
I didn’t think much of it at the time. And then, later that afternoon, Kermit the Frog posted this:
After careful thought, thoughtful consideration and considerable squabbling, Miss Piggy made the difficult decision to terminate our romantic relationship. We will continue to work together on television (“The Muppets”/Tuesdays 8pm this fall on ABC) and in all media now known or hereafter devised, in perpetuity, throughout the universe. However, our personal lives are now distinct and separate, and we will be seeing other people, pigs, frogs, et al. This is our only comment on this private matter. Thank you for your understanding.
I don’t know when or how he did it, but the truth is clear: Klud broke up Kermit and Piggy!
I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I had no idea he was so serious, or so skilled in the ways of goblin-pig romance. I apologize to Kermit, to fans of “Pigmit,” and to everyone else Klud hurt in his pursuit of muppet love.
Ugh … there’ll be no living with him after this.
Back in the first part of 2013, my agent got in touch with me to ask if I’d be interested in writing a tie-in novel for the new Fable: Legends video game.
Today, more than two years later, Fable: Blood of Heroes officially hits bookshelves across the country. The book is humorous fantasy, most similar in tone to my goblin books, and tells an original story about the Heroes of the game joining forces against a nasty threat with bad teeth.
“Can I read and understand the book if I’ve never played the Fable games?”
Yes. Yes you can. I wanted to make the story accessible to everyone. There are a few inside references for long-term Fable fans, but they shouldn’t detract from the experience or bump you out of the story if you’re not familiar with the world.
“When will the Fable: Legends game come out?”
Later this year. Check the Fable: Legends website for updates, or to sign up for the beta.
“What was it like working with Lionhead?”
Different. Fun. Ultimately, very rewarding.
Purchase Links:
Amazon appears to have marked the trade paperback down to $7.65 today.
Other Release-Day Links:
More to come!
Final Note:
Thank you to Lionhead, Del Rey, and my agent for helping to make this happen. Thanks also to all the readers and Fable fans who’ve expressed their excitement and enthusiasm about the story. I hope it makes you smile, laugh, cheer, and look at chickens in a whole new way.
As always, release week is one of the most important times in a young book’s life. If you felt like mentioning the book online or posting a review, the redcaps would be forever grateful. (Though, considering what redcap gratitude probably looks like, that may not have been the best way for me to encourage word-of-mouth…)
Fable: Blood of Heroes [Amazon | B&N | Indiebound] comes out tomorrow, which means I’ll be spending much of this week doing the new book dance. Here’s where you’ll be able to find me both in the real world and online:
I’ve got two guest blog posts going up at other folks’ sites. I’ll link to those as soon as they go live. I’ll also be sending out a newsletter tomorrow, and one subscriber (drawn at random) will receive a free autographed copy of the book.
Happy Book Week, everybody!
Friday is supposed to turn a book in tomorrow…
Voting for the Hugo Awards closes tomorrow, July 31, at 11:59 p.m. PDT.
I’d hoped to post additional reviews on the different categories, but I seem to have done the time warp again, and suddenly it’s the end of July. D’oh!
So instead, have a scattering of related thoughts and links.
My overall impression? The Hugos have not been destroyed. There are some cranky people who want to piss all over things, but what else is new? Despite the shenanigans I think there are some very strong works on the ballot this year. Far fewer than usual, but enough that I remain excited to find out who takes home some rocket trophies. I also expect No Award to make a strong showing this year.
I encourage folks to vote, and to nominate next year, and beyond that, we’ll see what happens.
Fable: Blood of Heroes [Amazon | B&N | Indiebound] comes out in exactly one week.
Making life more interesting, Revisionary is due to my editor on Saturday, August 1. It’s going to be a hectic week or two in the Hines house.
Anyway, since it seemed to go over well last time, I figured I’d give away another book. Next week, I’ll be sending out another author newsletter about the book, and when I do, I’ll pick one subscriber at random to receive an autographed copy of Blood of Heroes.
If you’re interested, you can sign up here.
And on that note, I gotta get back to revising Revisionary… Have a lovely night, all!
Friday is starting to suspect that Pym Particles might not actually be scientifically viable or accurate…