Cool Stuff Friday
Friday does whatever a spider can. Which gets kind of gross sometimes, honestly.
- Holiday dogs
- Pets looking creepy
- Triple-changing Transformer made from LEGO. I know what I want for Christmas!
Friday does whatever a spider can. Which gets kind of gross sometimes, honestly.
Friday apologizes to you all in advance for the scene I’m currently working on.
Friday was not ready for the sudden arrival of December.
Friday is excited to see Dune. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a good beach movie!
Friday has almost finished repainting the bathroom!
Tonight as part of Geek Fest, I’ll be doing a virtual chat through the Portage District Library, talking about the power and importance of humor in SF/F.
This will be similar to a panel I did at ICON over the weekend, but with 90 minutes, I’ll be able to get a bit broader and deeper. My plan is to talk about things that should be relevant to writer, but interesting to non-writers as well.
Here are the details from the library:
Date Time: Oct 21, 2021 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Jim Hines: Writing Humor in Fantasy and Science Fiction
Description: Michigan native and fantasy/science fiction author Jim C. Hines comes to Geek Fest to talk about how and why to include humor in your SF/F stories! Join the Hugo Award-winning author of the Goblin Quest trilogy, the Princess series, Magic ex Libris, and the Janitors of the Post-Apocalypse, and take away tips for your own writing! This Zoom webinar program is open to everybody. A moderated question and answer session will follow the presentation.
First off, everyone is more-or-less okay.
A week ago today, I got a call from my mother that she was in the emergency room with my father. He’d fallen while getting things ready in the truck for a camping trip they were planning to take this week. After a CAT scan or two, they found that he’d fractured his temporal bone and given himself a nasty concussion.
He was banged up, but the biggest concern was the bleeding in the brain. Bleeding that wasn’t helped by the fact that he’d taken asprin (a blood thinner) earlier in the day. They weren’t sure whether they’d have to operate.
Thankfully, with clotting drugs and blood pressure meds and a transfusion of platelets, they got the bleeding under control. He ended up staying about 3-4 days in the neuro ICU and another day or so in a neuro step-down room before coming home.
I wasn’t able to visit while he was in the hospital, but I’ve gone over pretty much every day since he came home. Physically, he’s in a fair amount of pain, as well as dealing with the weakness that comes after being stuck in a hospital bed for close to a week. Mentally, he seems to be much more himself than he was when I talked to him on the phone a week ago. But it’s going to take a while to bounce back from this.
All of which is to say, if you’ve been expecting an email or phone call or anything like that from me, just know that I’m running a bit more behind than usual.
As scary as the past week has been, we all recognize that it could have been much, much worse. So I think we’re trying to focus on the gratitude side of things.