Allies and Cookie Badges
ETA: Before anyone responds, I want to be clear that this is not a request for reassurance or cookies or any of that. I’m an adult, fully capable of buying or making my own damn cookies. Thanks.
A week or so back, a group working to end violence against women named me as one of sixteen male role models helping to fight violence against women. In an unrelated situation a few days later, someone on Facebook told me she would no longer support my work, and that I might claim to be an ally, but I’m not.
I can’t say with 100% certainty, but I don’t think I’ve ever claimed to be an Ally. I don’t think it’s my place to proclaim myself an ally to women, or to victims of sexual violence, or to the LGBTQ community, and so on.
It was a little odd having these two things occur so close together, and there was a bit of cognitive dissonance for a little while, like I was Schrödinger‘s Ally or something.
I’ll be honest, this whole Ally thing confuses me a little. As shorthand for “this is a person who seems to be trying to understand and support me,” it makes sense. But it feels like we’ve turned it into the ultimate cookie, or a badge to flash around to prove you’re one of the Good Guys. Or maybe a badge-shaped cookie, I don’t know.
So you end up with people trying to deflect criticism by flashing their cookie badge. “Don’t you realize I’m your Ally? It says so right here in white frosting!” Or they turn it into a flounce, throwing their cookie on the ground and declaring, “You have lost a Valuable Ally this day!”
What a waste of a cookie…
(As I’m writing this, I’m starting to like the idea of Schrödinger‘s Ally as shorthand for that person who seems to say the right things, but you’re not sure whether they genuinely support you or if they’re only in it for the cookies. That’s a bit of a tangent though, so I’ll save it for later.)
I can understand that when you’re in a marginalized group fighting for dignity and equality and survival, it’s vital to know who your allies are and who you can trust to have your back. And the term is useful shorthand for articles like “How to be a good male ally” and such.
The whole concept still feels weird to me. Maybe it’s the idea that “ally” is a noun. A concrete, black-and-white thing you either are or aren’t, which gets back to my point about people simultaneously calling me an ally and not an ally…
Dissonance resolved: they’re both right, of course.
Because, linguistics aside, ally isn’t a noun; it’s a verb. It’s action. A process. It’s listening and learning to do better. It’s learning to offer support in ways that are helpful. It’s learning that it’s not all about you.
That gets to the heart of a lot of my discomfort. The moment you stand up and wave your cookie-badge and declare yourself An Ally, it becomes about you. Which not only misses the point, it turns 180 degrees and jumps to hyperspeed to get as far from the point as possible.
And on that note, I’m gonna go see if we have any cookies…
Cool Stuff Friday
Friday apologizes for missing last week’s post, and promises it won’t happen again until the next time it does.
Bonus cool link: Penguin Random House is giving you 5 books to donate to kids in need in local communities across the country through their partner First Book.
“I can’t believe it.”
“Yes, we know.”
“That’s why they believed they could get away with it.”
“That’s why victims hesitated to come forward.”
“That’s why men are more worried about the rare false accusation than the epidemic of harassment.”
“That’s why women didn’t talk to you about what they experienced.”
“That’s why we’re seeing such a logjam of long-term, entrenched harassers.”
“Why are you getting so angry?”
“Why aren’t you?”
“I just hate seeing so many careers ruined.”
“Whose careers? The perpetrators or the victims?”
“I didn’t know.”
“That’s because you didn’t listen.”
“That’s because you looked away.”
“That’s because you treated it as a joke.”
“Now that you know, what will you do differently?”
Holiday Bookplates
With various holidays bearing down on us like Ewoks surging toward Stormtroopers, I thought I’d resurrect an offer I’ve made in the past.
If you were considering giving a copy of Terminal Alliance as a gift and would like an autographed bookplate to go with it, hit me up using my contact form (http://www.jimchines.com/contact/) letting me know how many copies you’re giving and where to send the bookplates. I’ll mail up to six.
Offer good for the next week or two, or while my supplies last. U.S. only, please. Sorry — I just can’t afford the additional postage.
I hope the holidays treat you better than the Ewoks treated those tasty, tasty Stormtroopers!

Imprinted: The Paperback
Several people had asked about a print edition of Imprinted, the Magic ex Libris novelette coming out in January. (Conveniently available for pre-order in electronic format from Amazon, Kobo, Smashwords, and Google Play.) I know there won’t be huge demand for a higher-priced paperback of a 15,000 word story, but I figured, what the heck. So I spent the weekend working on typesetting and formatting, along with this:
It looks like the paperback will be priced around $5.99. I might be able to knock that down a little, but I’ve only got so much room for print-on-demand. (I’ll also try to get some author copies to sell at conventions, and I might be able to sell those a little more cheaply as well.)
I’m waiting for files to get approved, and I’m not sure I’ll be able to do a pre-order link for the paperback, but if so, I’ll share that link as soon as it becomes available.
Thanks to everyone who’s expressed their excitement over this story. I can’t wait for you to read it. Especially the ending 😉
Cool Stuff Friday
Friday would love to see more reviews of Terminal Alliance! (Cough. Sorry. Still stuck on new-book-promo brain…)
- Flights with the Best Animal Passengers
- Dogs who Love to Read
- Animals Being Jerks (Video Compilation)
Catching Up: That WindyCon Panel
One of the posted panels at WindyCon, a Chicago convention that took place this past weekend, was called “Tutti Frutti Literature.” The panel description read, “With changing social norms and lifestyles, how is this affecting our literature?”
Annalee Flower Horne tagged the convention about this on Twitter, saying this was not okay. A number of people agreed, including WindyCon attendees and former guests of honor.
When I saw the panel write-up, my mind went to the anti-gay slur. The reference to changing lifestyles also made me think this could be a panel about how “the gay” was getting all over our books.
I knew one of the listed panelists, Chris Barkley, and tagged him to ask if he knew what was going on here.
Barkley ended up posting his thoughts on the matter at File770. He spoke with Louisa Feimster, who explained:
“We were under a lot of pressure to come up with titles for panels and we kinda finished up in the middle of the night. Really, we didn’t mean to offend anybody, we were just tired.” She also went on to explain that in her end of the BDSM world, “tutti frutti” does not have a negative connotations and she thought it would be an interesting way to title a panel on the changing forms of literature.
Fair enough. I’m glad it was a mistake, as opposed to a deliberate slam on the LGBT community.
However, Barkley also calls this a witch hunt, and gave a statement at the panel (reproduced in the column), saying, “The main point is that damage has been done to the honor and reputation of Windycon because someone was offended. To which I respond : BIG DEAL!” Basically, if I’m reading his statement correctly, people were offended over nothing, and should save their energy for real injustices.
Panelist Mari Brighe ended up walking out of the panel after Barkley’s statement there. She’s written a blog post about what happened. She says about the panel title and description:
“My general assumption with this panel is that it had been proposed by a queer and/or trans person who was couching their language to make the panel sound more widely applicable, and that the panel title was something of an attempt to reclaim some previously hurtful language.”
She also explains her reasons for leaving the panel:
“Mr Barkley’s egregious tone-policing of queer concerns made me feel quite unwelcome. As a young queer trans woman on panel of unfamiliar older men who clearly had some anger at my community and were predisposed to thinking we were overly-sensitive, I did not feel especially safe. I’ve been in similar panel situations before (including one at Windycon several years ago), and the usual result is me being shouted down by men until I’m nearly in tears. Given that I already had one clearly angry, hostile panelist harboring very negative beliefs about someone like me, I made the decision that I would recuse myself from the panel for my own safety and emotional well-being, and in protest of the kinds of over-the-top tone-policing and complete dismissal (and denigration) of the concerns of queer folks that Mr Barkley had engaged in.”
Finally, WindyCon posted an apology on their website.
“Now that the convention is over, we have had the opportunity to read through the many posts and comments on the subject. We have taken to heart the hurt and anger caused by the poor choice of wording used in the title and description of this panel. We are very sorry we offended. While this was not our intention, it was the result, and for this we sincerely apologize. We will be working to ensure this does not happen in the future. These are some specific steps we will take moving forward…”
Speaking as someone who was not at this WindyCon, but who has attended many of them in the past (including as a Guest of Honor), I’m impressed with the convention’s apology. I believe the offense was unintentional. I appreciate that they recognize unintentional hurt is still hurt. There are no excuses, and they give concrete steps they’ll be taking in the future to make sure this doesn’t happen again.
In an age of excuses and fauxpologies, I thought this was very well done.
I’m disappointed by Barkley’s response. As he says:
“[T]here was no grand conspiracy to offend the gay community. While the choice of the term ‘tutti frutti’ may be regrettable, it was NOT done in any sense of malice, at least from my point of view.”
I believe him. But he seems to presume that because no harm was intended, no harm was done, and therefore everyone should just STFU about it. He acknowledges being angry and enraged, while telling people who were offended to save their anger and rage for bigger targets.
Of course, it’s possible to be angry about big issues like national politics and also be angry about things like a convention panel description at the same time.
Nobody was calling for WindyCon to be burnt at the stake. They were calling out a panel description which, intentional or not, came off as hurtful, insulting, and dismissive.
I’m glad it wasn’t intentional. I would have been much more pissed if this had been a deliberate thing. But we’ve got to stop thinking “I didn’t mean to hurt you” is some kind of magic eraser. “I told you I didn’t intentionally run over your goat. How dare you continue to be upset!”
While I understand the convention was this weekend and everyone was hellabusy, I wish WindyCon had posted their apology sooner. I wish Barkley hadn’t attacked people who were upset about the panel title/description.
I also feel like my tagging Barkley into the conversation on Twitter was one factor in this becoming a larger blow-up than it needed to be, and for that I apologize.
Personally, I appreciate people calling out problematic and troublesome stuff like this. And I very much appreciate WindyCon’s apology. This is how we grow and do better.
Catching Up: Harassment and George Takei
I’m still scrambling to catch up with everything after last week’s book release. Huge thanks to everyone who supported, signal-boosted, posted reviews, came to the events, and so on.
A lot has been happening, and I don’t know that I’ll be able to talk about everything I want to, but I’ll try…starting with the sexual harassment/assault accusation against George Takei.
We’ve seen a lot of these stories coming out recently. It feels like the Weinstein revelations helped to break the dam of silence, and we’re beginning to hear from victims who have been suppressed for decades.
In the case of Takei, model Scott Brunton accused Takei of groping his genitals while he was unconscious. There’s also a suggestion that Takei might have drugged him. This allegedly happened at Takei’s house in 1981.
Takei has denied the accusation, saying he has no memory of ever knowing Brunton.
However, a radio interview with Howard Stern a month earlier included the following exchange:
Stern asked Takei if he had ever grabbed a man’s genitals against his will.
Takei paused, said “uh oh” and laughed. Stern repeated the question and Takei said: “Some people are kind of skittish, or maybe, um, uh, afraid, and you’re trying to persuade.”
Stern’s co-host, Robin Quivers, asked if Takei did “this grabbing at work”. Takei said: “Oh, no, no, no, it wasn’t at work. It was either in my home. They came to my home … it didn’t involve power over the other.”
Like many others, I’ve admired and respected George Takei for ages. I recognize that I very much don’t want to believe Takei did this.
I also know false accusations, while they do happen, are rare. And while Takei’s interview says nothing about drugging people, he does admit to grabbing men’s genitals against their will, which he justifies as “trying to persuade.”
As I said on a friend’s FB post, I’m still processing. But I’m seeing a lot of reactions that are troubling as hell.
1. “I’ve met George Takei and he’s always been a gentleman” and “I’m friends with Takei and don’t believe he could do this.”
Harassers don’t go around wearing signs that say “I drug and grope people against their will.” They don’t greet everyone they meet with a hearty handshake to the genitals. Abusers tend to be very good at maintaining a pleasant, friendly public persona. The fact that you’ve never seen someone behave inappropriately doesn’t mean it’s never happened.
And yes, Takei has been outspoken against harassment and abuse and such. Unfortunately, there are predators even among anti-rape, anti-harassment circles.
2. “Why would Brunton wait all these years before saying anything?”
This is the same criticism being thrown at accusers against Moore, Spacey, Weinstein, and so many others. There are too many real, valid reasons to list here, but some of them include:
- Fear of the consequences of speaking out
- Shock and confusion over what happened
- A desire to “get on with your life” and not relive the assault
- Believing you’re alone
- The power difference between you and your harasser
3. “This whole thing is turning into a witch hunt” and “It’s McCarthyism all over again!”
Why? Because there are so many accusations and revelations coming out?
We as a society have spent decades silencing victims of sexual harassment. What the hell did you expect it to look like when the dam finally began to crumble?
Victims of harassment — particularly women — have been saying for ages that this is a huge problem. Most of the stories we’re seeing involve multiple victims coming forward, and most of their accounts are corroborated by others. The Takei accusation feels like an outlier in some respects, since to the best of my knowledge, Brunton is the only one to have spoken out against him.
What pisses me off the most about this deflection is that when people try to defend Takei by calling it a witch hunt, they’re undermining everyone who’s been speaking out about their harassment. They’re suggesting all of these victims are lying, caught up in hysteria and publicity.
If you want to say you don’t believe a particular allegation, that’s one thing. If you say it’s all a witch hunt, then intentionally or not, you’re joining everyone else who’s silenced victims and helped to perpetuate this harassment and abuse for so many decades.
Like I said, I love George Takei and his work. I don’t want the accusation to be true. But Takei’s interview is troubling as hell. And so are some of the knee-jerk defenses I’m seeing from others who simply don’t want to believe.
Terminal Alliance Publication Day!!!
Today marks the official release of Terminal Alliance, book one of the Janitors of the Post-Apocalypse trilogy!
My thanks to everyone who has supported, encouraged, reviewed, and generally just been wonderful and awesome during the writing and production of this book. It’s currently available in hardcover, e-book, and audio. I believe the mass market paperback should be coming in about a year.
- HARDCOVER: Amazon | B&N | BAM | Mysterious Galaxy | Schuler Books | Indiebound
- EBOOK: Amazon | B&N | BAM | Kobo | iBooks
- AUDIO: Amazon
Care to read the first chapter? We’ve got you covered:
The reviews I’ve seen so far have been great! Here’s a sampling…
- “Hines delivers a fantastic space opera that doesn’t skimp on the action and excitement but pairs it with a hefty dose of slightly scatological humor.” –Library Journal Starred Review
- “[R]aises the bar for humorous postapocalyptic science fiction with charming underdogs, fascinating alien races, complex intergalactic politics…a genuine pleasure to read.” –Booklist
- “[A]n exciting white-knuckle adventure awaits to engage sci-fi fans and genre newcomers alike. Hines breathes life into a stunning number of otherworldly beings, but his skills with the human characters really shines here.” –Romantic Times
- “Terminal Alliance works both as amusing comedy and as rousing military SF, and I recommend it to fans of either.” –Amazing Stories
- “Hines is one of the funniest, and most fun, writers in our genre! Terminal Alliance skewers science fiction tropes and takes on a wild romp through an original universe.” –Tobias S. Buckell, New York Times bestselling author
Finally, I should have some guest posts and interviews and such going live over the next few days. I’ll add those links here as they appear.
- Space Janitors vs. Brain Weasels: Guest post about depression and the writing process at Chuck Wendig’s blog.
- Interview with Deborah of GeekDame.
- Guest Post on Book/Genre Snobbery, at Ilona Andrews’ blog.
- My Favorite Bit, at Mary Robinette Kowal’s blog.
I hope you all enjoy the story.