Cool Stuff Friday
Friday needs to stop obsessing over Amazon rankings and reviews…
- Dogs Discover Snow (Video)
- Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan
- Winners of the 2017 Drone Photography Contest
Friday needs to stop obsessing over Amazon rankings and reviews…
As many of you already know, the next chapter in the Magic ex Libris saga is out today. “Imprinted” is a 15,000-word novelette set after the events of Revisionary. It’s told from the perspective of Jeneta Aboderin, the first person in history to perform libriomancy using e-books.
If you remember Jeneta’s project proposal from Revisionary, you’ll have a good idea where this story starts 🙂
I’d love to do more of this kind of thing. There are plenty more stories to tell in this universe, and other characters I’d like to explore. In part, it will depend on how well this one does. (Yes, that was a hint. No, it was not subtle. “Subtle” has never been one of my strong suits.)
Huge thanks to everyone who signal-boosted this one. It’s available electronically at the following links for $2.99:
A print edition is available via Amazon. I feel bad about charging $5.99 for the print edition, but I can’t really price it cheaper, given the self-publishing options there. And I wanted to at least make the option available.
You might notice there’s no link to Barnes & Noble yet. I’ve noticed this too. I’m not happy about it. All of the files and information are there, but have been stuck in processing limbo. I’ll update as soon as the book escapes.
If you feel $2.99 is a bit much for a 15,000-word story (which is totally reasonable), I’m planning to reduce the price to $1.99 in a month or so. But a lot of people had told me $2.99 was a fair price and they’d be happy to pay it. Since it’s the difference between about $2 in royalties vs. about $0.50 per copy, I figured I’d start at the $2.99 price point.
I like Jeneta’s character a lot, and I love the reveal in this story. I can’t wait to see what you all think of it.
PS, As long as you’re out shopping for books, here are some other cool releases today!
For anyone who wants a preview of the first 500 words or so of “Imprinted” before it comes out tomorrow…
The first Friday of 2018 would love to see temps in the positive digits, please?
Friday will see you all again in 2018!
I did it! I dodged almost all spoilers for The Last Jedi for more than a week until we were finally able to go see it.
I was a little nervous — reactions seemed really polarized for this one. Some people loved it, others hated it. Some of the hate was from trolls who couldn’t stand the idea of a franchise where white dudes weren’t front and center, but not all.
Personally? I loved it. And after a little spoiler space, I’ll talk about why…
Friday is pro-Porg.
A throwback to my blog from December 2007. I believe I was referring to the synopses for The Mermaid’s Madness and Red Hood’s Revenge. As for the emotional roller coaster about writing and synopses? Let’s just say little has changed in the past decade.
You know, I go through a lot of emotional ups and downs when I write a novel. Some days I’m convinced I’m the most brilliant author who ever set pen to paper. Other days, I’m a washed-up hack who should have his fingers broken to prevent me from inflicting this garbage on the world.
It’s all part of the process of creating a novel, and I’ve gotten used to it.
However, over the past two weeks, I’ve written two synopses. Remember, a synopsis is a highly condensed version of a novel.
Suffice it to say, I’m feeling a bit of emotional burnout, and I want a cookie.
Happily, I think I’m done, and if all goes well, tomorrow I’ll be mailing all of this junk to my agent (who has glanced at both synopses by e-mail, and approves).
Twas another year ending, and all cross the net,
all the authors were blogging and starting to fret.
The Nebula ballots were open for noms,
and authors were sweating and wiping their palms.
They posted their eligible works from for the year
while dreaming of Hugos and Campbells and beer.
And I at my desktop with cat in my lap,
had just started posting my own year’s recap…
I’ve got two things I want to highlight this year, for anyone who might be doing the award nominating thing. I’m happy to send a copy of either or both if you’re reading for nominations — just shoot me a note.
Short Story: “The Fallow Grave of Dream,” from The Death of All Things, edited by Laura Anne Gilman and Kat Richardson. This is a relatively short work about a disabled child who discovers their power as the Death of Dream.
Related Work: Invisible 3, which I co-edited with Mary Anne Mohanraj, is eligible for the Hugo Award for Best Related Work. This is a collection of 18 essays and poems about representation in SF/F. You can read several of the essays online.
For the completionists, here’s everything that came out from me in 2017:
2017 also saw the release of the mass market paperback of Revisionary, but that wasn’t a new work. Just a new format.
So there you have it. One year of Jim-writing.
I sprang to my feet, thinking “I need some scotch.”
When the cat gave a yowl and dug claws in my crotch.
I exclaimed many words best not written down here.
Thank you readers and friends for another good year.