At 12:59 p.m. today, I turned in the final (I hope), revised manuscript for Codex Born [Amazon | B&N | Mysterious Galaxy]. Some random stats about the book:

  • It came in at 104,527 words.
  • There are 39 books in the bibliography.
  • In addition to English, there are snippets from at least six other languages. (I apologize in advance to whoever will be reading the audio book…)
  • Smudge once again gets a pretty cool scene.
  • While I doubt I’ll ever write professional erotica, this book has what’s probably the “spiciest” scene I’ve ever done.
  • Yes, this book will address–at least to some extent–the question of e-books and libriomancy.

The release is still scheduled for August 6 of this year. I’ll be posting the first chapter online as we get a bit closer to that date, once the book has been officially accepted.

This was a challenging one, but I’m proud of how it turned out, and I can’t wait to share it with you all.