Books on my TBR List
I am, as usual, shamefully behind on my reading. Trying to read and review all of the Hugo-nominated work has only exacerbated the problem. The following are some of the books waiting impatiently on the shelves for me to get to…
Wild Things [Amazon | B&N | Mysterious Galaxy], by Charles Coleman Finlay. Charlie is an amazing writer, and broke in years ago by essentially turning the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction into the Magazine of Charlie Finlay and Maybe a Few Other People. He was kind enough to send me his collection as a Christmas gift. I’ve read and enjoyed several of the stories so far, but haven’t yet finished the book, on account of I suck. Or maybe I just get cranky because he writes better short fiction than me. Jerk.
A Natural History of Dragons [Amazon | B&N | Mysterious Galaxy], by Marie Brennan. Come on. Look at that cover and tell me you don’t want to check this book out. It won’t be on sale until February of next year, but I have a copy of the bound manuscript right here, because my life is just that awesome! I’ve read and reviewed Brennan’s work before, and I love the historical detail she captures in her books. This one is described as “the true story of a pioneering spirit who risked her reputation, her prospects, and her fragile flesh and bone to satisfy her scientific curiosity; of how she sought true love and happiness despite her lamentable eccentricities; and of her thrilling expedition to the perilous mountains of Vystrana, where she made the first of many historic discoveries that would change the world forever.”
The Kingdom of Gods [Amazon | B&N | Mysterious Galaxy], by N. K. Jemisin. The final book of Jemisin’s Inheritance Trilogy. I talked about the first two books here, and now I have an autographed copy of number three whispering in my era, telling me to set aside those silly Hugo stories and come play. I’ve skimmed the first chapter, which is told from the point of view of the child-god Sieh. Sieh was one of my favorite gods from the first book and makes me want to read it that much more right now!
Pirates of Mars [Amazon | B&N | Mysterious Galaxy], by Chris Gerrib. I’m told that Gerrib named a ship after me. I have not been told whether it’s a Millennium Falcon type ship that runs circle around the imperials, or more of a “Did a piece just break off of my gorram ship?” kind of deal. Gerrib blogs a fair amount about piracy in the real world, and I’m curious to see how he’s applied that knowledge and research to Mars in what I believe is his first published novel.
Unless he blows up my ship, of course. Then all bets are off, and I’ll write him into one of my stories so the goblins can eat him.
Queen’s Hunt [Amazon | B&N | Mysterious Galaxy], by Beth Bernobich. This one comes out in mid-July, and is the sequel to Bernobich’s book Passion Play, which I talked about with Sherwood Smith over at Book View Cafe, discussing her portrayal of rape and its effects, her characterization, the Cool Stuff theory of fiction, and more. I also reviewed and enjoyed Bernobich’s YA book Fox & Pheonix here. I’m looking forward to seeing where she went with the story in book two.
2012: Midnight at Spanish Gardens [Amazon | B&N | Mysterious Galaxy], by Alma Alexander. I reviewed Alexander’s bestselling novel The Secrets of Jin-Shei back in 2007, describing it as a magical, masterful novel. (For some reason, I couldn’t find the review on my blog, but that link will take you to my Amazon review.) Her latest book is set “on the eve of the end of the world … in Spanish Gardens,” where five friends come to reminisce, to reveal secrets, and to make a choice presented by a bartender named Ariel, “the choice to live a different life, or return to this one…” I’m very curious to see what Alexander has done with this premise.
Net Impact [Amazon | B&N | Mysterious Galaxy], by Donald J. Bingle. I met Don years ago, and have shared a ToC with him in a number of anthologies. He warned me that there are no goblins in this one, but I said I’d be willing to read it anyway. This is not SF/F, but a spy novel about Dick Thornby, described as knowing “a few tricks to help him get out of a tight spot, even if his boss accuses him of over-reliance on an abundance of explosives.” Which sounds vaguely goblinesque to me…
Those are just some of the books looming over me from the bedside table, threatening to tumble and crush me in my sleep. Thankfully, I’ve got a vacation coming up very soon! If you need me, I’ll be on the deck up north, watching the lake and trying to catch up on my reading.
Your turn. What’s sitting in your To-Be-Read pile that you’re looking forward to? What releases have you impatiently counting down the days?
Pam Adams
June 27, 2012 @ 11:00 am
Well, clearly some of these will move to the TBR Real Soon Now…(I mean, come on- isn’t Scalzi’s Big Idea enough of a temptation?)
I jumped up and down, squeeing, when Mira Grant’s Blackout appeared, turning the pages anxiously in fear of what she would do to her characters in this book. My next anxious await is for the new Bujold- it’s the Ivan book!
Anita K
June 27, 2012 @ 11:31 am
I too will be adding some of these to my TBR list.
Can’t wait for Libriomancer! 😀
I’m trying to ignore the fact that Captain Vorpatril’s Alliance (yes, the Ivan book! glad I’m not the only one excited about this, I adore Ivan) is on the horizon for another few months so I don’t drive myself nuts with anticipation.
Anxiously awaiting my turn with the library’s copy of The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Food From My Frontier… not quite the same, though.
June 27, 2012 @ 11:42 am
I’ve added several to my wishlist! Just when I think there’s nothing new and interesting coming out, there always is, thank God! Not that my TBR list needs to get any bigger. I’m saving Flora’s Fury for the day I feel coherent enough to focus on it and do it justice. Glamour in Glass is still hanging out there, with the Steampunk II anthology as well.
Anita K
June 27, 2012 @ 12:06 pm
Forgot that I haven’t read the new Dragonbreath book from Ursula Vernon yet – it may be a kids’ series but I love them – newest is Revenge of the Horned Bunnies!
Donald J. Bingle
June 27, 2012 @ 1:25 pm
Thanks for the shout-out, Jim. Now, when someone googles “Hugo-nominated” and “Net Impact,” there will be a blog posting as a result even though the two phrases are absolutely and completely unrelated! You are a gentleman and … er … a goblin.
June 27, 2012 @ 4:51 pm
Wow, I think my TBR list just got longer. I loved Passion Play and I’m definitely looking forward to Queen’s Hunt. The rest of these look good too.