Search for the Snow Queen’s Title

Following up on yesterday’s post, for anyone interested in publishing industry numbers, one of my readers provided a link to Bowker’s 2009 industry statistics.  This doesn’t provide numbers sold, but does show the number of new books in various categories.  Worth a look, for anyone interested in this stuff.


So the princess series is going to be four books long.  Three of these books have titles:

The Stepsister Scheme [Amazon | Mysterious Galaxy]
The Mermaid’s Madness
[Amazon | Mysterious Galaxy]
Red Hood’s Revenge [Amazon | Mysterious Galaxy]

Book four doesn’t have a final title, and I’m almost out of time.  We’re doing page proofs on Red Hood soon, and I want to make sure it includes information number four.

So I’m turning to y’all for help.  The final book is based on the Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale The Snow Queen, as most of you already know.  I need a title that will fit with the rest of the series, and will be so exciting, so vivid, that everyone is helpless to resist its allure.

At the moment, the tentative title is Spell of the Snow Queen.  It works, but my editor and I would love to find something that had a little more zing.  Rejected titles include:

Shards of the Snow Queen
Scourge of the Snow Queen
The Snow Queen’s Secret
Snow Queen and the Half-Blood Princess
The Snow Queen and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
The Snow Queen would make an awesome movie!  Are you listening, Peter Jackson?  E-mail me!
iSnow: Apple’s Revenge
Godzilla vs. Snow Queen

All suggestions are welcome.  If we end up using yours, you’ll receive an autographed book and a shout-out in the acknowledgements.