Arthritis? Thanks, Mom…
You know those autoplay ads that sometimes run before an online video? Here’s the text version. Libriomancer is still on sale for $1.99 at Amazon, B&N, etc! (I believe this is limited to North America, though.) No idea how much longer this will last, so if you’ve been thinking about checking out one of my books, now’s a great time.
Anyway, I had a checkup with my doctor this afternoon, which confirmed something I’d suspected for a few months now. I’m starting to develop arthritis in the middle knuckles of my index fingers.
For the moment, this is a minimal annoyance. It doesn’t interfere with my writing. I notice it mostly when I’m trying to make a tight fist for karate. Or when I bump one of the knuckles against something. But it’s the first sign of what’s likely to be a progressive problem.
(Please note that I’m not asking for medical advice, thanks!)
I mentioned this to my father, and he was happy to tell me I inherited this particular problem from my mother. Which seems fair, considering the diabetes comes from his genes.
Mostly right now, it’s a worry for the future. I mean, I’m a writer. I spend way too much time typing at a keyboard. I know dictation is an option, but for the moment, I rely on my hands. And between some tendons tightening up in my hands (Dupuytren’s contracture) and now this, I’m not sure what’s going to happen as I get older.
Hopefully I’ll just get some bionic hands or something. Maybe I’ll be able to moonlight as a superhero. I could write a noir-style bestseller about my first case: The Hand Job.
Okay, maybe not…
In the meantime, I guess the best thing to do is write as many stories as I can. Just in case 😉
July 13, 2017 @ 4:37 pm
You are welcome!
Jim C. Hines
July 13, 2017 @ 4:39 pm
Mom – I love you, but pbbt!!!
July 13, 2017 @ 7:51 pm
Direct Brain Implants. Transcribes exactly what you think and visualize. This does of course have its downsides if you have a particularly distractable[1] brain. But could you imagine the Words Per Minute you could produce with this kind of implant.
Of course, Like VHS, and the internet, these implants will be pioneered by the porn industry first.
[1] is that really a word? yes it is! [2]
[2] I say it is.
Tina Gower
July 13, 2017 @ 9:23 pm
Well that’s a bummer. I’ve been testing various recommendations from my doctor for arthritis in my hip (leftover from a previous injury–which always surprises doctors when I tell them because “I’m too young”). Hope you find a solution that works for you.
July 13, 2017 @ 9:56 pm
Yipes! Sympathies, man. I was diagnosed with RA at 17, so I kind of see my arthritis as a REALLY ANNOYING roommate that I can’t get rid of.
I type all day, too, and share similar worries. I hope you’re able to find something that works for you to keep you limber and comfy.
July 14, 2017 @ 12:52 am
You have my sympathies. I had to give up playing guitar and piano for enjoyment because it was that or give up typing, and typing pays the mortgage. I may eventually have to give in and try dictation software, but I think through my fingers for certain kinds of writing (such as chatting and programming) so I’m putting off that day as long as possible.
July 14, 2017 @ 5:53 am
Hands! One of the things you depend upon for so much and where it really sucks if something goes wrong. I hope things turn out functional for you in the long term!
(Also, I know you said no medical advice, so ignore this if you want, but re the Dupuytren’s, because I recently came across somebody who started to have it and since she usually has well researched medical opinios, and also said that not all doctors know the newest recommendations: Have you looked into/heard of radiation treatments? ( Not to say it would have to be the rigth choice for you.)
Jim C. Hines
July 14, 2017 @ 10:19 am
David – that sounds simultaneously awesome and dangerous.
Jim C. Hines
July 14, 2017 @ 10:21 am
Fey – Interesting. But will the treatment also give me mutant superpowers?
Jim C. Hines
July 14, 2017 @ 10:22 am
Thanks for the sympathies, all. For now, it’s nothing but a very minor annoyance. But the doctor and I are both keeping an eye on things, and we’ll see how it goes…
Eleanor C Ray
July 14, 2017 @ 11:09 am
No progressive illness is fun, diabetes or arthritis (I have both). But it is to be hoped that pain is not the same as debility, either. I mean, arthritis in the hands hurts a lot, but I type, crochet and text. Hurts, but keeps me from losing function. Your mileage may vary, and I don’t make a living off my hands the way you do. Not any more.
Healing thoughts!
July 14, 2017 @ 1:24 pm
Arthritis is one of those age-related things that really annoys me: I didn’t do anything to cause, how it can it happen just because I’m the teensiest bit older than when i was twenty? Fortunately I haven’t had any in my hands yet.
Rin Adams
July 17, 2017 @ 12:15 am
I’m sorry to hear it! I very much sympathize–I’m a visual artist, so I well understand how scary this can be. I was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis at the age of 5 (which went into remission with adolescence, then came back grr) and have some tendon slippage across my knuckles. However, my household does not depend on my income as an artist, so there’s that.
Also, thank you for explicitly stating that you aren’t looking for medical advice. 🙂 I immediately had all sorts of Potential Useful Information That You May or May Not Want come to mind concerning little exercises and ring splints and meds, and you’ve saved me the trouble of guessing how much, if any, you might want. XD Just gently sweeping it all back into the box.
July 21, 2017 @ 11:12 pm
Arthritis is no fun, but I wouldn’t worry about being able to write by typing. I had that first “thickening knuckle, oh shit” moment more than 5 years ago. I have lost the ability to completely straighten one pinky finger, but the arthritis in my knuckles has never interfered with my ability to type.