TBT: December 2007

A throwback to my blog from December 2007. I believe I was referring to the synopses for The Mermaid’s Madness and Red Hood’s Revenge. As for the emotional roller coaster about writing and synopses? Let’s just say little has changed in the past decade.


You know, I go through a lot of emotional ups and downs when I write a novel. Some days I’m convinced I’m the most brilliant author who ever set pen to paper. Other days, I’m a washed-up hack who should have his fingers broken to prevent me from inflicting this garbage on the world.

It’s all part of the process of creating a novel, and I’ve gotten used to it.

However, over the past two weeks, I’ve written two synopses. Remember, a synopsis is a highly condensed version of a novel.

Suffice it to say, I’m feeling a bit of emotional burnout, and I want a cookie.

Happily, I think I’m done, and if all goes well, tomorrow I’ll be mailing all of this junk to my agent (who has glanced at both synopses by e-mail, and approves).

From December 13, 2007