Cool Stuff Friday
Friday means there’s one day left until we go to see Star Wars. And yes, I know it’s marketing and hype and a way for Disney to earn a gazillion dollars. But it’s also a huge number of people–fans–coming together to geek out and be passionate about something together. It reminds me a bit of the lead-up to the release of the later Harry Potter books, and the feeling of connection they created when so many people were looking forward to the same thing. So, yeah. One day left for me.
- The Night Before Catmas. Video of two cats “helping” with Christmas preparations.
- Star Wars merchandise from outside the U.S. Including Darth Vader Foie Gras.
- Puppies playing with BB8.
- Cat gifs + Star Wars quotes.
December 18, 2015 @ 11:42 am
I’m planning on making the new Star Wars the first movie I’ve gone to the theater to see in at least 5 years, although I’m waiting until after the weekend (don’t like dealing with crowds). And coincidentally, I just this morning finished listening to the Harry Potter audiobooks. 🙂