Revisionary Revisions
Just spent an hour on the phone with my editor, talking about Revisionary [Amazon | B&N | Mysterious Galaxy]. For the next two weeks, I’ll be setting Project Bob aside in order to address several pages worth of notes.
The good news is that she liked the book, and I don’t have to rip the whole thing up and start again from scratch. (I’ve never actually had to do that, but the irrational fear is always there…)
I’m feeling pretty good about our conversation. Almost all of her comments and feedback felt less like “you suck!” and more like “hey, here’s a way to make this better/more clear/more interesting,” which is how it’s supposed to work, but writer-brain sometimes gets stuck on the “you suck!” piece.
So assuming no unexpected crises, in two weeks or so I should be done with this book (with the exception of page proofs). There’s a good chance this will be the last Magic ex Libris book, at least for a while. It’s also my last book written as a full-time state employee. It’s a bit of a turning point in more ways than one.
And that raises a Very Important Question – if this does end up being the last Magic ex Libris book, how the heck am I going to bring Smudge into whatever I start working on next?
September 3, 2015 @ 12:54 pm
Return to the goblins, broaden your work into scifi and write a book about a race of spider aliens, deify Smudge, …. need more?
Marshall Ryan Maresca
September 3, 2015 @ 1:07 pm
This reminds me, I need to make a call in the near future….
September 3, 2015 @ 3:34 pm
Well, gosh, Project Bob could just happen to have a spider who catches on fire when he’s upset, and his name could happen to be Smudge. If it’s SF, it’s easy to make him an alien critter the hero/ine picked up along the way.
Derek Hawkins
September 3, 2015 @ 3:46 pm
Race of alien spiders tries to resurrect a hero, pull Smudge instead. He becomes a god to them quickly worshiped beyond all the other alien spider gods. This gets the alien spider gods’ noses out of joint and they make Smudges life miserable, until he can turn the tide on them.
September 3, 2015 @ 8:28 pm
Why not ask Smudge? He probably already knows the answer.
Mason T. Matchak
September 3, 2015 @ 10:03 pm
Ye gods, do I ever understand the writer brain getting stuck on “You suck!”. O_o
I’m now very curious about whatever Project Bob might turn out to be, but I’m also glad that Revisionary isn’t absolutely the last Magic ex Libris book. If you never go back to it, no worries, but if you do, I’ll clear space on my shelf ahead of time. ^_^
September 4, 2015 @ 8:10 am
At this point, Smudge needs to be like Hitchcock,or Stan Lee. Just appear somewhere in every book, but not necessarily as a named character.
Of course, you’re going to have to start selling your books as used if they all have smudges in ’em.
Sheila Strickland
September 4, 2015 @ 6:39 pm
Fire spiders always find a way.