Back from Vacation
Ah…I needed that. Eight days to spend time with the family, read some books, enjoy the scenery, and sneak off to work on Revisionary. I’m working on catching up with the rest of the world again. It turns out life continued even though I was away. How rude!
Two things that happened over the past week or so:
- The Baen Books podcast went up, featuring David Afsharirad talking to me, Esther Friesner, John Helfers, Jody Lynn Nye, Harry Turtledove, Robin Wayne Bailey, and I’m sure I’m forgetting someone — sorry — about the newly released Chicks and Balances anthology.
- Brittany Woolsey wrote an article about convention/cosplay harassment, which includes comments from me and several other folks.
Some pictures from up north:

The rest are over on Flickr, along with larger versions of these, if you’re interested.
On Saturday, the day after we drove home, I got to be a part of the Michigan State University Young Authors Conference again. I might have been a wee bit sleepy or out of it from the drive, but I don’t think I messed up too badly in either of my sessions. As always, I just wish I’d had more time to talk about stuff and answer questions and just chat with the kids. But I did get to sit in on one of Merrie Haskell’s sessions and give her a hard time, which is always a nice bonus! I also picked up a copy of her latest book (though I didn’t get the “special edition” with the messed-up dust jacket).
So what did I miss while I was gone?
Alan DeHaan
July 13, 2015 @ 9:32 am
Let’s see. You missed San Diego Comic Con stuff, the best which was the Deadpool trailer that got leaked, then FOX DMCA’d the leak. (This is noteworthy because Deadpool only got made because test footage of it leaked and fans loved it.)
You also missed a bunch of world news. And my son becoming more and more adorable as he figures out speech. (I’m at that stage of parenthood where I’ll mention that anywhere, even to famous people who are strangers to me)
Jim C. Hines
July 13, 2015 @ 9:50 am
I’m very pro-adorableness. How old is your son? 🙂
I did catch the Deadpool trailer, which looks like it could be fun.
LaShawn M. Wanak
July 13, 2015 @ 10:28 am
You’ve missed angst, mayhem, drama, terror, pain, sadness and the absurdity of life.
On the flip side, thanks to limiting my social media, I’m now working on three short stories simultaneously with my novel, and I’m putting down words *every day*. So yay!
Jim C. Hines
July 13, 2015 @ 11:49 am
Seems like limiting social media could also filter out some of the angst, mayhem, drama, terror, pain, sadness and absurdity 🙂
And yay for productivity!!!
July 13, 2015 @ 1:00 pm
I’m amused (for the if you don’t laugh you’ll cry values of the word) that prominently displayed down the side the article on harrassment, which is full of pseudonyms and altered names to protect the interviewees, is the commenting policy which beings with the infamously harassment enabling “you agree to not … [post] using false or fake names.”
July 13, 2015 @ 2:02 pm
Almost 3, behind in speech but now catching up quickly. He’ll be going to Gencon this year, which will be interesting.
July 14, 2015 @ 9:16 am
I started a blog! Which I’d been meaning to do for absolutely ages and finally got around to. If you want, we can say that not having you here to read finally gave me the impetus, but there may have been other factors involved… ;->
As I blunder up the steep side of the WordPress learning curve, I have a renewed admiration for you and others who do it so adroitly and make it look so easy!
Jim C. Hines
July 14, 2015 @ 10:08 am
Sure, I’m happy to take credit for stuff! 🙂
It takes a while to figure out all the buttons and bells and whistles. I still spend a fair amount of time swearing at the computer behind the scenes. I’ve just gotten better at hiding it 😉
July 17, 2015 @ 10:36 pm
Aha! Made a discovery yesterday. The so-called “Text editor” is actually the HTML editor. Which means that instead of icons I can’t find or hotkeys, I can format my posts with HTML tags. And there are a gracious plenty of HTML tutorials around the internet for any bits I don’t know how to do. This is going to make life so much easier…:-D