DemiCon in Des Moines was a lot of fun. Amy and I flew down on Thursday so we’d be there for a booksigning at B&N, where Lyndsey kindly gave me a Smudge necklace made from a d20, and Chris showed up to drop trou and display his Jig the goblin tattoo. Oh, and I signed some books, too.
Friday afternoon was our trip to the zoo, and then it was convention time! As author guest of honor, I got to hang out a bit on stage with artist GoH, cosplayer, and all-around lovely person Megan Lara; fan GoH, chocolate priestess, and kind-hearted, bubble-blowing queen Michelle Clark; and Toastmaster, actor, and occasional Scottish Texan person Tadao Tomomatsu.

DemiCon has the feel of a smaller con, but not too small. It was friendly, relaxed, and everything I saw seemed to be running smoothly. Major props to the concom and the rest of the volunteers for that!
I did a handful of panels, all of which were either solo or me and one other person. Sunday morning, that meant spending an hour geeking out about The Flash. The one complaint we had about the show was the way the two female characters had so little agency and story of their own. Happily, someone from the show must have been at that panel, because last night’s episode started to address that problem. Behold the power of convention panels!
Also, Rachel Bussan made me the awesome Smudge hat I’m wearing in this picture with Megan!!!

Other highlights include getting author Adam Whitlatch to lick his own book, meeting author (and Invisible 2) contributor Lauren Jankowski, lots of fun cosplay, and just getting to see and meet so many cool fans, readers, friends, and fellow geeks.
The full album of DemiCon pics is up at Flickr, if you want to see the rest. Here are a few more of my favorites from the weekend:
My thanks again to the convention for inviting me and my wife, to Amanda for liaisoning us all over the place, and to everyone who worked so hard to put together such a fun weekend.
Jayle Enn
May 6, 2015 @ 4:39 pm
I haven’t been to a con since like, the Nineties, but I am just enchanted by the idea of Cosplay Medics. 🙂
Jim C. Hines
May 6, 2015 @ 4:40 pm
I thought it was a great idea, and I’d not seen it before, so I had to stop and ask if I could take a picture 🙂
(Unfortunately, being a doofus, I forgot to ask her name…)
May 6, 2015 @ 6:39 pm
That is Shade, from Shade’s Findings. Here is a link to the Facebook page of Shade’s Findings.
May 9, 2015 @ 11:29 am
It still needs to be a tradition to drop trou whenever Jim enters a room now. Spider or no spider painted on legs.
Speaking of, where did those pictures end up? I need a metal Jim picture!
Glad you had fun at the con!
Jim C. Hines
May 9, 2015 @ 11:53 am
The pics got posted over on Facebook, at
(If you can’t see ’em, let me know and I can send them by email.)
I’m not so sure about this tradition, though. We wouldn’t want it to become routine and lose the … um … specialness 😉
May 10, 2015 @ 1:54 pm
Yeah my Facebooklessness isn’t letting me on, so if you could that’d be awesome. Unfortunately my internet is a bit sporadic too right now ha ha, the joys of using a hotspot while moving in!
Thanks Jim!