Millennicon Schedule

I’m thrilled to be heading over to Ohio this weekend to be a Guest of Honor at Millennicon. Here’s the schedule, just in case you want to come say hello or make sure you know how to avoid me all weekend.


  • 6 pm,  MR 1210, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (In which the convention throws a birthday party for my son, because they are AWESOME!!!)
  • 7 pm, Harrison, Opening Ceremonies
  • 8 pm, Con Suite, GOH reception


  • 10 am, Harrison, GOH Reading
  • 2 pm, Hotel Lobby, GOH Autographs
  • 3 pm, McKinley, There are No Dumb Questions (Moderator)


  • 10 am, McKinley, Fan Fiction and “Real” Writing
  • Noon, Hotel Lobby, GOH Autographs
  • 2 pm, Harrison, GOH Q&A
  • 3 pm, Harrison, Closing Ceremonies

Tom Smith will be there as Filk Guest of Honor, which should make my wife happy. She tolerates me, but she’d much rather hang out at one of Tom’s concerts 😉

There are a lot of great people at this one, some of whom I haven’t seen in a while, so I’m expecting this to be a lot of fun.