Good News Chaser

Was feeling a bit raw after that last post, so I decided I needed a good news chaser.

1. Yesterday I typed “THE END” on the first draft of Libriomancer. It’s a short draft, and needs a lot of work, but it’s a finished draft, and I’ve got some ideas on what I need to fix to make it better.

2. I’ve also got page proofs for The Snow Queen’s Shadow [Amazon | B&N | Mysterious Galaxy], meaning production is moving right along on that book. I should even be seeing ARCs soon 🙂

3. Goblin Tales [Amazon | B&N] has sold 101 copies on Amazon, another 48 on B&N, and is now available on iBooks as well. (Still working on Kobo, and I’m talking to Wizard’s Tower Press about getting it up there, which looks to be a bit friendlier for international sales.)

Your turn. Share some good news in the comments, and spread the happy.