RIP Realms of Fantasy

According to owner Warren Lapine, Realms of Fantasy is going away again.  (Though he’s offering to sell the magazine if anyone’s interested.)

Realms of Fantasy was a big, shiny goalpost for me when I was trying to break in.  Finally selling “Deliverance” to Shawna McCarthy was almost as exciting as selling my first book.  I sold her a second story a year later — that was “Sister of the Hedge,” a precursor to my princess books.  Then she bought “Ours to Fight For,” another story I’m still incredibly proud of.

Their sometimes questionable taste in cover art aside, it was a beautiful magazine, particularly the interior artwork.

I had issues with a few of Lapine’s choices when he bought the magazine, but I appreciate him trying to resurrect it, and I’m sorry to see it go.  Again.