Muppets, Princesses, and Surgery
I discovered yesterday that at least one person is planning to nominate my muppet werewolf story “The Creature in Your Neighborhood” for the Hugo. Cool! If anyone else will be nominating for the Hugos and wants to read this one (or anything else I published last year), just let me know.
And if I actually win (yeah, right), I’ll write a sequel and post it here for all to read.
Yesterday, after a week of copious scribbles and notes, I started in on draft two of The Snow Queen’s Shadow. There’s a lot of work to do, but after reading the first draft, I think I like it. Good story, resolves most of what needed to be resolved, and while I’ll be sad to see the series end, I think this ending is going to work.
I’m taking my wife in for outpatient surgery today, so I’ll probably be scarce for a little while. Nothing too serious. Of the seven surgeries she’s had since we got married back in ’03, this is near the bottom in terms of severity.
Naturally, I’d be happier if we weren’t averaging a surgery every year. But hey, it gives me time to work on the page proofs of Red Hood’s Revenge, right?
February 10, 2010 @ 2:18 pm
Tell Amy I’m thinking about her and hope everything goes well during the surgery. Sounds like you will be a proofin’ fool for a while!
Jim C. Hines
February 10, 2010 @ 8:36 pm
Thanks! Amy says hi. The surgery went fine. Hospital kept us longer than they needed to — some communication troubles on their side — but we’re back home, and now she just needs a few days to heal up.