Friday Updates
• As insane as this week has been at work, it’s been a very good writing week. I just found out that my German publisher is picking up both Mermaid’s Madness and Red Hood’s Revenge. Excellent!
• Also exciting, Red Hood’s Revenge is up for pre-order on Amazon! I’m told it’s been there for a few weeks, which shows how distracted I’ve been. Normally my obsessive surfing habits would have uncovered that much more quickly.
• Neil Gaiman has given me permission to make T-shirts of my 20 Neil Gaiman Facts. All that remains is to decide where. I’m leaning toward Zazzle over CafePress, but I’m open to suggestions–any experiences with these or other online vendors, good or bad?
• Based on your responses, I’ll definitely be doing the 2009 SF/F Humor Roundup. It shouldn’t take too long to put together; I just need to make the time to sit down and do it. Hopefully by this time next week…
• Finally, your weekly LEGO. Anyone who’s seen Howl’s Moving Castle should recognize this one, built by Imagine’s Brickzone. (And anyone who hasn’t should go rent the movie.) Click the pic for the full Flickr set, including a better view of Turnip Head there on the right.
November 7, 2009 @ 1:14 am
Just gotta say, Howl’s Moving Castle is my favorite movie.